On Saturday the 13th, the Hive artists were invited to do their thing at the Mountain Bar in Chinatown downtown Los Angeles; I did a few drawings and this was my favorite. I have a lot of fun sketching in bars! There's always such a pulse and flux of humanity. When you draw from life you have to go with the flow... it's such fun to try and capture a simple slice of life!
update Sunday the 21st: I figure why not just change the image as the painting progresses rather than waste blog space with new posts? I put more color on the painting today with a little more concern for the composition, but still very rough and working from memory. The person in the front right has changed hair and position and now I definitely want someone in the left foreground... Here's another superimposed image.
update Saturday the 20th: I've started a 30 by 40 painting based on the scene. So far it's just color splashed here and there. The image here is the underpainting and original drawing superimposed in photoshop. The original drawing is a little narrower than the canvas I have, but I think it'll actually help the composition! It's a fun way to start a painting and a good way to move forward on it.