Mills College "Walk of Honor"

I was fortunate enough to be able to work with Julie Kirk on this project for Mills College. Julie designed the project with Mills for their 2010 Commencement where Nancy Pelosi would be speaking. The 18 panel street painting celebrate women who have made a difference in Science, Medicine, Sports, Film, Politics, and so on.

The panels I painted were:
1. Women in TV/Film which included my all time favorite, Lucille Ball, and Katherine Bigalow, Halle Barry, and even Wonder Woman.
2. The Founding of Mills, portraits of founder Susan Mills, and a former and current president of the college.
3. U.S. Politicians, such as Hilary Clinton and Barbara Lee.
4. Nancy Pelosi and graduates. This panel was worked on by both Julie and I because it was very important to have it perfect for Nancy's arrival.

She posed with Julie and the painting on commencement day. Unfortunately, I couldn't be there but am happy it all worked out so well.

The total mural measured about 7 x 180 feet along the path.

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