painting lecture and demo

I gave a talk and demo at the San Fernando Valley Art Club last week. I was postponing putting up a post in the hopes I'd get some better photos and clips than the one I got, but it might take a little longer than I thought. I'll update with better pics if I get them. It was a 45 minute talk about light, paint, and painting the effect of light, and then a 45 minute portrait demo from a random audience member who won a raffle drawing. They filmed the entire talk and demo and they said they will send me a copy when it's edited. It went really well, and I think everyone enjoyed themselves. In fact today at the art supply store, a woman stopped me and said she was at the talk and she thought is was great! Fun and educational. The photo flashed out the painting, and the video clip is before the talk panning the audience... update, I got some great pics e-mailed to me today, so I'm adding a couple of my faves from that bunch. Thank you Sharon from the SFVAC!

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