occupy coca cola

A picture named occupyCokesm.jpg

The easiest way to play is simply stop buying coke and related products like diet coke, cherry coke, etc in stores and restaurants... The next level of play would be to stop consuming all Coca Cola company products such as Dasani, Sprite, Powerade, Full Throttle, Glaceau smart water and vitamin water, Minute Maid products, Hi-C and more. Click here for a full product listing. This would be a fusillade launched by the People into the heart of Wall Street. Let's lower their stock price for real! It's easy, doesn't cost anything, and begins on an individual basis immediately. Regarding the movement against Wall St "occupation" some people can camp out, some can wave a sign a few days a week, some can drive by and honk, but everyone can participate in occupy coke!

Attacking Coke is a symbolic show of force. Wall Street thinks they are the masters of the universe who own the politicians. If the people can boycott a product and lower the stock price then that hits Wall Street where they hurt. Coke is just the easiest to attack. Politicians will maybe then begin to listen.

To those who think that the Occupy Coke idea is "anti-capitalist", I say the environment on Wall St. is not "free-market" capitalism, rather it's "rigged-market" capitalism. If Wall Street can use high-frequency trading super computers to manipulate the stock market for their own gain, then the People en masse can boycott a high-profile product to manipulate the market just to make the statement that "we're here guys and we're upset with the game you've been playing"

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