central park/echo park

I was at Pasadena Central Park today for the digital landscape class I'm co-teaching. Today was such a beautiful day, I was able to paint a nice color study! I liked the light at 8am, bright and backlit, low and glare-y. I tried to get that feeling on the canvas for the plein air demo today. There were a lot of students there and I hope they all got something from it!

After that I went home and with charcoal sketched in the rest of the composition on the Echo Park work in progress. Using a printout of yesterdays blog image, I was able to quickly and easily lay down placement of the details of the composition in relation to the willy-nilly underpainting brushstrokes because they were super-imposed. It's kinda fun actually, and once you get a few larger landmarks located right, the rest of the details fall into place! I coat this with some acrylic matte medium and it's a good underpainting which I plan to take back and paint color plein air on top.

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