wall st

After I was in Columbus, I went for a few days to New York City. I wasn't able to get my easel to NYC so it was just drawing supplies. One of the places I went and sketched was Wall St. I remember as a little kid going to the balcony and watching all the traders on the floor of the stock exchange, I thought it'd be fun to draw there again. But Wall St is very different, no one goes inside, and outside are barricades, cops with machine guns, and surveillance vans on the streets. So instead I sat on the steps of the building across the street and did a life drawing. On my flight back to LA I used the magic of perspective to make an aerial view of the same location which makes a nice view for a riot painting! It's further up than the other ones I've done, so I'm using the knowledge I got painting crowds at Rock oh the Range for this new perspective! During the Alex Schaefer Hour yesterday I blocked this in over a similar themed piece that wasn't happening. Much more interesting!! oil on canvas, 36 by 18

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