5 Pointz Aerosol Art Center in Long Island City is looking for reliable, competent interns to help with various responsibilities during our open season. Interns will need to be available every weekend, from 12pm-7pm. All interns will be expected to work on the weekends, regardless of their particular position. We are looking for responsible, friendly, and outgoing individuals, who have an interest and passion for aerosol arts. Students should be in their junior or senior year. There are a number of positions that need to be filled. These positions include:
A. Web-based social networking -- regularly update and announce news, events, and occurrences through our online platforms including twitter, facebook, and website.
B. Ambassadors -- will be responsible for keeping visitors informed and educated on aerosol art culture and hip-hop culture. This position will also include maintaining and informing visitors of 5 Pointz rules and regulations, making sure people are not bothering the artists while they work.
C. Web-site contribution and maintenance -- interns with working knowledge and experience in wordpress, digital photography, digital programs; who will be responsible for adding content and material to the 5 Pointz website
Please send a cover letter and resume -- in PDF format, as an attachment. Label the subject line with INTERNSHIP A, B, OR C. This is an unpaid position, and will include college credits as compensation.
job-xdgzw-2764908042@craigslist.org http://www.5ptz.comhttp://www.ipetitions.com/petition/support5pointz