links to news on the economy

One thing I do on facebook that I don't do here is post links to articles and videos that I think are important to read, the good the bad and the ugly. <--the fantasy of modern economics <-- the definition of crony-capitalism <-- banker + gangster = bankster aka finincial terrorist <-- $1.2 billion stolen. this is what economic fraud looks like
<--a glimmer of hope for justice

and visit often!

I also posted this personal plea to the POTUS after his most recent speech: Nice speech last night President Obama, sounded like a stump speech, like you're running for president. Buddy, we already know, yes that's right, the economy is in the tank, crime is rampant on wall st. And you NOW hold the office that could do the most to stem the tide of economic pillaging and terrorism rampant around the world. We voted you into that office THREE years ago. For THREE years you've had the chance to create policy and issue orders to begin to see justice being served, to actually regulate, to root out cronyism, to prosecute fraud and racketeering... but I've seen nothing. And now, 11 months until the next elections you're talking about all the things that need to be done, soon, and vote for you AGAIN so you can solve all these problems; it's a long term problem that requires long term solutions, 8 years to be exact! Screw that. 11 months is a long damn time, Mr president. Do SOMETHING NOW! You are in office NOW, what are you waiting for? Are you telling me if you get the office again THEN you're REALLY gonna do something? your track record does not lead me to that conclusion.

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