Helms Ave

I went out to Culver City for some picturesque views of the Helms Bakery. The light wasn't right at the time I went out there but I did this underdrawing on the canvas with oilbars. Normally I'd immediately paint over this, but I'm going to wait and go back in the morning when I think the light will be much more dramatic. All I'm going for in the underdrawing is placement and composition, not a feeling of light and shadow. I still think it's fun to see the underdrawing because it's really primitive, like a kids crayon drawing. In fact the oilbars help that mindset because they feel like giant crayons made of linseed oil and drying wax. Here's a view of the corner of Helms Ave and Washington Blvd. oil on canvas, 36 by 24.

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